Η συμβολή της ΚΑΛ, της διαλογικότητας και της πολυφωνίας στην αντίληψη του τρόπου κατασκευής ταυτοτήτων Σημεία συνάντησης ανάμεσα στον Κριτικό Γραμματισμό και την Έρευνα Δράση.

Κωνσταντίνος Σιπητάνος


Action Research and contemporary critical literacy practices have many implications, not only theoretical such as the epistemology of experience, the reflection, the need for social change, but also methodological such as the use of critical (speech) events and Critical Discourse Analysis (Σιπητάνος, 2020). In this two year project, where critical literacies were researched alongside with action-research, the connections between CDA and dialogicality were discussed through empirical data. Through these complex practices the students realized their discourse contradictions and the importance of dialogicality and polyphony as important elements in their formation from active students to active citizens through the co-analysis of data they produced as co-researchers.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

polyphony Critical Discourse Analysis, critical literacy, action research, dialogicality

Πλήρες Κείμενο:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/icgl.v1i1.3750

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