Αρβανίτικες επιδράσεις σε νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους: Περιπτώσεις από τη φωνητική, την παραγωγική μορφολογία και τη σύνταξη

Νίκος Λιόσης, Νίκος Παντελίδης


The present paper is part of our ongoing research on the contact of the Modern Greek and Arvanitika varieties of southern Greece (eastern Central Continental Greece, Euboea, Peloponnese, Argosaronic Islands) and on the results of this contact (conf. Pantelidis & Liosis 2019). In the current phase, structural results of the intense and prolonged influence of Arvanitika on Modern Greek varieties on the levels of phonetics, derivational morphology, and syntax are investigated. The data show that new allophones, derivational suffixes, applied to Arvanitika as well as non-Arvanitika bases, and novel syntactic patterns (such as the sequence of tenses) which are ungrammatical (or marginally acceptable) in SMG, have been introduced in Modern Greek varieties. The extensive structural changes in the Modern Greek varieties due to Arvanitika influence confirm that the contact between them has been long, profound, and in fact mutual.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

Arvanitika, Modern Greek varieties, sequence of tenses, diminutives, subordination, borrowed suffixes

Πλήρες Κείμενο:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/icgl.v1i1.3704

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