Η ερώτηση ως μέσο οικοδόμησης ταυτοτήτων στην Αντιγόνη του Σοφοκλή

Βασιλική Καρκαντζού


In this work, we will look at the types and forms of questions used
by the main characters in Sophocles
Antigone in order to highlight how different
questions contribute to building different identities between characters,
providing interesting information on individual
Thus, we emphasize questions primarily aimed at gathering information,
and, on the other hand, rhetorical questions, namely questions that
may perform some function, such as expressing reproach,
objection, challenge, provocation, refusal etc.
The way in which individual identities are constructed contributes
both to the
characters’ overall attitude towards the dominant
ideological views expressed in the work and to the emergence
of different identities that move along a continu
with emphasis to the
person at the one end to the state at the other.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

questions, identities, characters in drama, self, others

Πλήρες Κείμενο:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/icgl.v1i1.3693

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Εισερχόμενη Αναφορά

  • Δεν υπάρχουν προς το παρόν εισερχόμενες αναφορές.

ΔΣΕΓ| ISBN: 978-618-5496-03-6
Ειδίκευση ΓλωσσολογίαςΤμήμα ΦιλολογίαςΠανεπιστήμιο Πατρών
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